Israel Swimming Pool Turns To Acoustic Treatment To Help With Resonance

2022-05-29 15:09:48 By : Mr. David Chang

Acoustic treatment may be important in a cinema installation, but there are other projects where it may be crucial. A public swimming pool in Modi’in, Israel learnt that the hard way, when it realised the acoustics of the building were keeping visitors away. Thankfully, Primacoustic had the solution to the pool’s problem.

Once the automated roof was closed at night (also closed throughout their few colder months), the reverberation in the facility caused highly uncomfortable resonance. All of the very necessary hard surfaces that make the facility so visually attractive unfortunately contributed to noise that was just too much for many.

The solution came when the management contacted A.B. Electronics (also in Modi’in, Israel) to have them come up with a solution. Assaf Tzur, A.B. Electronics’ acoustics specialist, formulated a plan to provide extensive treatment to reduce the nearly 5 seconds RT60 time in order to make the pool experience comfortable and enjoyable. To do this he selected products from Canadian-based manufacturer Primacoustic and enlisted integrator Elements 4D to perform the installation.

The installation was divided into two stages. The first stage included just over 200 Primacoustic panels, some fixed to the wall surfaces (Broadway panels) and some baffles suspended from the ceiling (Saturnas). The first round was completed in about 5 days. A second stage in planned with the installation of 80 more Saturna baffles. Each of the panels is constructed of 6lb glass wool, fabric wrapped with resin hardened edges. The unique ‘open-air’ design of the facility drastically reduces the humidity levels allowing for the installation of the acoustic panels.

Already the pool management are impressed with the results achieved in the first stage of installation. The final stage will be completed in August.